Current Status

About IESD Alumni Society

  The International Environmental Sustainable Development (IESD) Alumni Society is composed of people of who have participated in IESD program in National Central University (NCU) in Taiwan (R.O.C).Society objectives are to sustain relationships and to continue interaction among IESD Alumni Society. IESD Alumni Society members keep informed of program achievements through IESD Newsletter and report their current occupations and accomplishments through the mails from program managers

Current Status

  Until January 2015, 65 students from 18 different countries have studied in IESD program. Among them, 46 master-degree students have graduated from IESD program. There are 18 students currently from Latin America, Africa and Asia.

IESD Newsletter

  International Environmental Sustainable Development (IESD) program issues IESD Newsletter to inform all the members of IESD Alumni Society of current status of program through the mail.