Tuition & Other Fees
All fee are base on NT dollars (NT$), the fees in US dollars are only rough estimates (1US$≒30NT$)

1 Tuition
The following are the standard tuition rates for Academic Year 2014. The exact tuition will be announced in the near future.

College of Engineering
Tuition NT$26,620 / Credit fee NT$3,140 per credit

2 Insurance Fee
International Student Insurance (for the first six months)
NT$3,000(US$100)/6 months

National Health Insurance
(Starting from the fifth month of enrollment)
NT$749(US$25)/per month

Student Insurance
NT$150(US$5)/per semester

3 Living Expenses
Living Expenses, which include food, transportation, recreation and …etc, are NT$70,000 to NT$100,000 per year (US$2,500 to US$3,500). Those fees are for reference only.

4 Accommodation
International degree students can apply for on-campus accommodation; however, the university is NOT able to arrange accommodation for couples or families. If you want to live on campus please fill in the application form. Once you are accepted by NCU, your dormitory application is officially valid.
Please obey the dormitory regulations as shown in the back side of the application form.
After completing the dormitory payment, none of the refund will be returned if you voluntarily withdraw from the dormitory.
The following are estimated dormitory fee for Academic Year 2014 but it does not include the Internet and air-conditioning cost. The exact fee will be announced in the near future.